About Us

Spiritual Experience Through Music
SARB AKAL Music Society of Calgary members have exclusive access to all Concert, BAITHAK and ICMF 2023 and programming every year. If you’re not a member yet, become one today. If you’re a member, and haven’t done so already, please renew your 2023 membership. membership Only $100 Dollars E Transfer to sarbakalmusic@gmail.com
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About Us
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Our Mission: To engage our communities in constructive and artistic pursuits of life to make it even better. What We Do: Sarb Akal Music Society of Calgary promotes local & international artists and upholds the integrity of Indian Classical Music in the world. The society works towards maintaining and enriching music traditions by organizing musical concerts in Calgary and tutoring students of all ages, cultural and social backgrounds to learn & practice art of the Classical Music at its affiliated school “Academy of Indian Classical Music” or AICM. OUR VISION: To keep the tradition and art of Indian Classical Music alive for generations to come. Back Ground Sarb Akal Sarb Akal Music Society of Calgary (SAMS)
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